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25,000 come to see 200,000 lights

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347 Chevallum Rd, 4555
1st Dec to last night 26th Dec 2024
Charity Donations Welcome

Have a look at our 2020 display..... 

from then to now 200,000+lights

About Us...

With no idea how amazing it would become, it all started with just one word, HOSANNA.

In 2014 I was inspired to make my first rope light motif which we displayed in our front garden with a few other things. A grand amount, about 6,000 lights, ha!

From this, the excitement grew...... and so did the number..... a LOT. 

(yes, we do count them.)

We love making unique pieces, finding and adding new ideas and items to bring more bling and most importantly, more smiles to faces of all ages at Christmas. Getting this big is only possible with a fantastic team..... a family affair plus a few great friends who love us (even in December!) and lend a hand. 

Attracting folks from all over the Sunshine Coast, it's the generosity of donations from the community that supports those in need, so thank YOU!

SU Qld School Chaplaincy
Charities you help us support...

Chaplains support young people in one of today’s most high pressure environments – the schoolyard. 

SU QLD chaplains, or ‘chappies’, provide spiritual and emotional support to school communities. They are in the prevention and support business: helping students find a better way to deal with issues ranging from family breakdown and loneliness, to drug abuse, depression and anxiety. They provide a listening ear and a caring presence for children and young people in crisis, and those who just need a friend. They also provide support for staff and parents in school communities.

Lifebread Fiji Ministries

Whilst the world might see Fiji, the hub of the South Pacific, as a tropical paradise, the fact is a significant percentage of the population lives below the poverty line, struggling to make ends meet, and perhaps none more so than widows with no family support. Lifebread Stay Connected Fiji, purposes to advance the cause of the underprivileged by developing a residential training centre for widows away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Training in life-skills, employment-skills, enables widows to return to life with a new purpose.

The Shack Community Centre 

   The Shack Community Centre was pioneered in the year 2002.  The purpose was to provide for the needs and concerns of our diverse community. For over 21 years, a committed group of volunteers, the community of churches and many families have given their time and resources to support over 10,000 people.We have seen many faces of despair and many faces of victory. The Nambour community and surrounding partners have been generous beyond human thinking.  After 22 years, we are more stronger and passionate than ever. 

The Figures.....

  • $31,133+ = Funds raised since 2016,Thankyou Sunshine Coast! 

  • 25,000+  =People came  to view   display  in    2023

  • 500+ =  number of cars can view display each night.

  • 200+ =  hours  to curate  &   setup display.

  • 100+ =  number of power boards  &  adaptors.

  • 70+ =   hours to pack down and store display.

  • 6+ = number of people in construction/disassembly  team. 

  • So  much to see  !  its all   around  you   as you drive through 

  • Height  restriction   3m   max                      

  • To  avoid   some of  your wait  time come  on week days   and    Early  December

  •  Display   may   have to  close     for safty   Heavy Rain Lightning ect

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